Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Stinky Breath

So Ava has been sick the last couple of days, and i have noticed this strange smell coming from her. I wondered if maybe it was just something on her clothes, or something around her, but i realized that it was her breath. WEIRD. I brush her teeth, and still it smells. Its got this fishy smell to it, So if anybody knows anything about this please let me know...its kinda gross!!


Elle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elle said...

LOL! I didn't realize it was going to say that I deleted my comment. I only deleted it because I wasn't paying attention and I totally spelt your name wrong! This is what I wrote:

Has she had a cold recently at all Erynn, or is she stuffed up? Last year Sydney had the most foul breath that she couldn't shake, until finally we figured out that she had a sinus infection. Other than that, I have no ideas. Good luck, and welcome to the world of blogging!

Erynn said...

yeah she has a cold now, and is stuffed up, and coughing and farting right now at the same time which is making me laugh! anyways, yeah thats what i was relating the smell too... i hope it doesnt last too long!!

Erynn said...

not the farts... incase i was unclear, but her being stuffed up! lol