So I love these things right...but never thought of getting one with Ava, don't know if she was too big by the time I knew what they were, or I just couldn't justify spending so much on one! WELL I am into SWAPPING!! I looked on Kijiji and found some and then sent out a bunch of emails to the people selling them to see if they were interested in
VINYL LETTERING!! Well it worked. It's actually a really good form of advertising too I might add :) And now I have a bumbo, This is also how I got my cuddly wrap!!
So happy!! I might also have a fisher price vibrating chair for Maisa...I will find out soon!! What else do I need?? Or want?? This is addicting haha!
Yes it can be very addictive... so watch out or Shawn could go broke..;)
We have a bumbo and i love it. i started blogging about a year ago and i'm just trying now to get caught up.
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